1100 people have died in Idaho since March according to him. That is .06% of the entire population of Idaho. I don't wish people dead, but death happens.
Gov. Little was proud of the fact that he has spent over 100 million dollars. The Idaho Consitituion states that the Legislature gets to decide how money is spend, not the Governor.
"We should all care...regardless of our view of COVID-19." I do care. You can about compliance. I care about elected officials keep the Constitution in mind, despite COVID-19.
Gov. Little said that the hospitals don't have a financial incentive to fudge their numbers. Are you joking? More COVID cases = more Cares Act money.
He said, "Do a better job of loving our neighbors," and "People won't do what their neighbors tell them to do." I do my best to not tell other adults what to do. I assume if someone has a mask on they have a good reason to wear one. I assume if someone doesn't have a mask on they a have a good reason to not wear a mask.
A nurse from St. Luke's Hospital that spoke during the press conference said, "Your reality is not always the truth." Dr. Scoggins from Kootenai Health said, "We don't get to ignore it (Covid) in the hospital." They seem to think that people who protest or don't wear a mask are not in reality. Um, no. I am looking at the stats regularly. I am not ignoring Covid, I am making an informed decisions based on facts.
Gov. Brad Little said, "What I want is compliance. My goal is to get compliance. We have counties with mask orders that are not getting compliance." Idaho State Code doesn't give health districts enforcement powers. That is up to the Sheriff. Thank God we have some Sheriffs that take their oath to the Constitution seriously.
Personally, I am amazed that you say it is abhorrent for people to show up and protest at a health district, when they have no other way to be heard. No forums, no citizens speaking at these meetings. Repeated violations of the Idaho Open Meeting Laws. Gov. Little, was it abhorrent for BLM and ANTIFA to protest in Boise and deface the capitol building?
"A certain segment of society shouldn't be doing what they are doing." The mandates are not laws, codes, or ordinances. At least not where I live. So they are a suggestion. I will make my own decision about my health, not a blanket statement by a health board.
At the end of the press conference it was stated that government benefits are during up. I can't remember if a reporter said that or if Little said that. We don't need more money from the federal government. EVERYONE IS ESSENTIAL. ALL BUSINESS IS ESSENTIAL!