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North Idaho College Survey - Part 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts about North Idaho College's participation "in a pilot survey focused on issues of race/ethnicity."

According to NIC President MacLennan, "The survey will help us understand our students' experience with racism, inclusion, and belonging."

The survey questions are not in order, and the images have been cropped to protect the person who sent these screenshots to me.

1) Is it important that your academic advisor is the same race/ethnicity as you? (yes or no)

2) During the current academic year at this college, I am confident that I will complete all of my course with a grade of C or better. (Strongly agree, moderately agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, moderately disagree, strongly disagree)

3) Do you consider the race/ ethnicity of your instructor when deciding which course sections to take at this college? (yes or no)

4) During the current academic year at this college, I have felt that college staff (other than my instructors) care about me. (none of them care, some of them care, all of them care)

5) During the current academic year at this college, I have felt like I belong. (Strongly agree, moderately agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, moderately disagree, strongly disagree)

6) During the current academic year at this college, have you participated in the following academic supports? (peer tutoring, etc.)

7) Why did you not participate in student leadership positions?

8) Do you believe racism exists at this college? (yes or no)

9) During the current academic year at this college, how often have your instructors included topics and perspective focused on your race/ ethnicity? (never, rarely, sometimes, often, very often)

10) During the current academic year at this college, how often have you participated in actives or discussion out of class that encourage you to examine your understanding of issues of race/ethnicity? (never, rarely, sometimes, often, very often)

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