Here is a response from Volunteers of America, one of the three organizations involved with the Christmas Bureau. I had emailed them to express my displeasure that they would require a vaccine to get food.
"The Christmas Bureau is an event organized by Catholic Charities Eastern WA. After much consideration, Catholic Charities decided to require proof of vaccination or a negative test result for all attendees and volunteers. The bureau serves hundreds of families and is completely run by volunteers. The planning team needed to ensure the safety of participants as well as their volunteers. Everyone was still able to participate in the bureau with an online option to access resources and others were allowed to shop for families who could not attend,did not have the vaccine or could not provide a negative test result.
Here at VOA, we do not require and have never required proof of any vaccination to receive any of our services including our three low barrier emergency shelters or housing programs.
Rae-Lynn Barden I Marketing and Communications Director
Pronouns (She, Her, Hers)"