Our local legislators recently stated that, "It is our belief that government mandates related to COVID are not only counterproductive but are an infringement on individual rights protected by the Idaho and US Constitutions."
Every one of them needs to be encouraged to attend the Panhandle Health Board Meeting on Thursday, October 22nd, at 12:30 pm.
Sen. Mary Souza - MSouza@senate.idaho.gov Sen. Steve Vick - SJVick@senate.idaho.gov Sen. Don Cheatham - DCheatham@senate.idaho.gov Rep. Ron Mendive - RMendive@house.idaho.gov Rep. Tim Remington - TRemington@house.idaho.gov Rep. Tony Wisniewski - TWisniewski@house.idaho.gov Rep. Vito Barbieri - VBar@house.idaho.gov Rep. Jim Addis - JAddis@house.idaho.gov Sen. Carl Crabtree - CCrabtree@senate.idaho.gov Rep. Sage Dixon - SDixon@house.idaho.gov Rep. Paul Shepherd - PShepherd@house.idaho.gov
Note that Rep. Paul Amador has not attended any town halls or made any public comments on the mask mandate or the August special session. PAmador@house.idaho.gov
Personally, I am going to ask Rep. Heather Scott to attend too. HScott@house.idaho.gov