This is the second in a series of posts about North Idaho College's participation "in a pilot survey focused on issues of race/ethnicity."
According to NIC President MacLennan, "The survey will help us understand our students' experience with racism, inclusion, and belonging."
The survey questions are not in order, and the images have been cropped to protect the person who sent these screenshots to me.
1) During the current academic year at this college, how often have you participated in activities or discussions in class that reflect your cultural experiences? (Never, barely, sometimes, often, very often)
2) During the current academic year at this college, I have felt that my instructors care about my success in the course I am taking. (none care, some care, all care)
3) During the current academic year at this college, how often have you participated in activities or discussion designed to introduce you to cultural experience other than your own? (never, barely, sometimes, often, very often)
4) Why did you not participate? Student organizations/clubs. (write a comment)
5) Do you think of yourself as: straight or heterosexual, lesbian or gay, bisexual, queer/pansexual/questioning, something else, I don't know, decline to answer.