From Brent Regan:
How embarrassing our local tabloid has become. So eager to discredit Republicans, the managing editor will allow any hateful and inaccurate rants to soil the pages of a once respected local news outlet.
The latest example is Sunday's My Turn by Deborah Rose. Rose has a long history of making misleading claims based on half truths or complete fictions. Her latest feculent diatribe includes a litany of false accusations against NIC Trustee Michael Barnes.
First you must appreciate the Michael Barnes defeated Rose to be the Precinct 2 Committeeman, a loss she apparently has not taken well.
All of Rose's claims are easily shown to be false. If there was any merit to them she could have filed a complaint with the SOS or Clerk's office but instead Rose runs to a Fake News outlet sympathetic to libelous statements.
The facts are simple. As his friends know, Mr. Barnes retired from his professional carrier, sold his house and leased a portion of a house 500 feet to the east where he receives mail and otherwise meets all the legal requirements for residency. He and his wife then embarked on a long planned, and much anticipated, RV vacation. All in compliance with the law.
He remained on the NIC board as his residential qualification had not changed and the NIC meetings were conducted via Zoom. He did resign from the KCRCC as he would not be able to physically attend our monthly meetings (no Zoom capability) and there was a well qualified volunteer available to take his place.
Given the true facts, I suspect it is Ms. Rose, and not Mr. Barnes, who will be needed the services of an attorney.
Why didn't Michael respond to requests for an interview? Probably because of the repeated savaging he has received in the past. It is analogous to a wife beater telling their spouse that "it will be different this time. Honest." Yea...right.
To put to rest these false claims, I asked Michael to send me proof of residence with personal or sensitive information redacted. Below is a bank statement mailed to his current address and the first page of the lease agreement for same. Michael tells me he will update the street number on his voter registration before the next election, well within the requirements of the law.
Frankly I am surprised that Mr. Barnes' opponents would open the residency qualification issue given the tenuous residency qualification of another trustee.